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Green Framework

A majority of our outstandig debt consists of green bonds and green or sustainability-linked loans and our long-term goal is for 100% of our financing to be green. As part of this work Platzer has developed a green financial framework "Green Debt Framework".

The green framework is built on Green Bond Principles and through the issue of green bonds within the framework of our MTN programme we offer investors the opportunity to contribute capital to several of our most sustainable investments and properties. The general terms and conditions for Platzer's MTN programme also apply to the green bonds with the difference that the liquidity from green bonds must be allocated to projects or assets that meet the requirements of Platzer's green framework. The framework sets the conditions for managing funds and for follow-up and feedback for loan providers and investors, which will happen on this  page. 

CICERO Shades of Green has carried out a "Second Opinion" of the framework which was awarded the grade Medium Green and is available on this page.