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Board of Directors work

The work of the Board of Directors adheres to the Board’s adopted work plan, which is reviewed and updated on an annual basis. In addition to this work plan, the Board of Directors is also responsible for ensuring that an instruction is in place for the CEO and that this instruction is subject to annual review. The Board of Directors is responsible for the organisation of the Company and management of the Company’s affairs. It is also the responsibility of the Board to continuously monitor the financial position of the Company and Group, which is done by ensuring that the Company’s organisation is structured in such a manner that accounting, fund management and the financial situation in general are monitored in a satisfactory manner. According to the Board of Directors’ work plan, the Board shall meet at least six times a year in addition to the initial Board meeting following the Annual General Meeting. 

All the Company’s Board members and senior executives can be reached via the address for the Company: Platzer Fastigheter AB, Lilla Bommen 8, PO Box 211, SE-401 23 Gothenburg. All Board members are independent of the Company and its management. Ricard Robbstål, Eric Grimlund, Maximilian Hobhom and Henrik Forsberg Schoultz must be considered dependent in relation to the Company’s major shareholders. Other than the above, no conflict of interest exists between the obligations of Board members or senior executives in respect of the Company, their private interests and/or other obligations. 

Risk and Audit Committee

The Board of Directors of Platzer has established a Risk and Audit Committee, which comprises Chairman of the Board, Henrik Forsberg Schoultz, and Board members Eric Grimlund and Maximilian Hobohm. The chairman of the Risk and Audit Committee is Maximilian Hobohm.

Renumeration Committee

The board of Platzer has set up a Remuneration Committee consisting of Chairman of the Board, Henrik Forsberg Schoultz and Board member Ricard Robbstål. The chairman of the Remuneration Committee is Ricard Robbstål. The Remuneration Committee has, among other things, the task of preparing the issue of establishing guidelines for Remuneration and other terms of employment for senior executives in the company. Senior executives refer to Platzer's management team.