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Policy documents

In order to clarify and codify the Company’s internal guidelines, as well as guidelines in relation to shareholders and other external stakeholders, a number of policy documents regarding important areas have been drawn up. These include financial policy, work environment policy, IT and telecommunications policy, environmental policy and an equality plan.

The Company also adopted an insider policy and a communications policy as detailed below. The Company’s insider policy provides information about insider legislation in the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading (Market Abuse Penalties) Act and the Swedish Act on Reporting Duty for Certain Financial Instruments. This information includes what constitutes a financial derivative, which persons, according to the law, are considered as insider persons and what rules apply to them; including the obligation for notification, disclosure regulations, and prohibition of trade during closed periods.

Furthermore, the policy contains information about the logbook which Platzer maintains about each event where insider information may arise. Platzer also has a communications policy through which it is established that the only persons with the right to publish information relating to the Company are the Company’s CEO, CFO, the Chairman of the Board in certain matters, or a person specifically designated for the purpose by the CEO or CFO. The communications policy complies with applicable laws and the Code. It also specifies how and when information should be published.

Internal control

The Board of Directors’ responsibility for internal control is governed by the Swedish Companies Act and the Code, which include provisions relating to annual external disclosure of procedures for internal control over financial reporting. The Board of Directors and CEO have overall responsibility for internal control over financial reporting. The Board has established a written work plan that, inter alia, sets out procedures for the work of the Board and the Board’s supervision of the administration of the Company’s affairs. It also clarifies the division of work and responsibilities between the Board and the CEO. The work plan also sets out the scope and frequency of financial reporting to the Board of Directors. In addition, the Company has internal policies, resolution and authorisation procedures, governance documents, descriptions of roles and responsibilities, finance manual including accounting and reporting instructions. These governance documents are continuously updated for compliance with laws and regulations. The documents are shared with Platzer’s employees verbally and in writing and are also available on Platzer’s intranet.

Code of Conduct

Platzer’s vision is to make Gothenburg the best city in Europe to work in. In our work towards this vision and achieving our goals, we need strategies, core values and a clear business concept that describes how we should perform in our work. To safeguard long-term value creation for all our stakeholders (owners, tenants, employees, creditors, partners and society at large), good business ethics and a sustainable working environment are fundamental aspects of our business. Our Code of Conduct sets out what we mean by good business ethics and a sustainable working environment.
Read more about Platzer´s Code of Conduct by clicking here: Code of Conduct

Sustainability Police

Platzer’s sustainability policy aims to establish guidelines for how the company should incorporate sustainability in its business activities, both in the management of the company and in its projects. Ensuring long-term value creation for all our stakeholders is paramount and in order to achieve this, sustainability must be integrated into all aspects of our operations. The sustainability work shall support our vision to “make Gothenburg the best city in Europe to work in”. 
Read more about Platzer's sustainability policy by clicking here: Sustainability policy