Zero Waste Hierarchy
The Zero Waste Hierarchy is an EU directive that has been adopted
in the Swedish Environmental Code and which governs waste management. From minimising to reuse, recycling, energy recovery and
finally disposal.
Breeam is a voluntary environmental certification system originating in the UK. Buildings are classified according to five ratings: Passed, Good, Very Good, Excellent and Outstanding. Even the rating “Passed” means that the building exceeds current statutory requirements and standards.
BID (Business Improvement Districts) is a type of collective development effort in which municipalities, property owners, housing companies and construction companies collaborate on long-term, systematic development of an area. A number of countries have legislation that provides the framework and conditions for BID collaboration.
A building’s gross floor area, according to the Swedish Institute for Standards
Central Business District is a city’s most central and attractive parts for commercial premises.
Derivative instruments
Derivative instruments are securities such as swap agreements, the value of which is related to the underlying asset. They are used to protect against unwanted movements in the price of the underlying asset.
ESMA is an independent EU authority with the task of strengthening investor protection and promoting correctly functioning financial markets.
Fitwel is an international certification system that seeks to promote human wellbeing and health in buildings. The certification uses different strategies to increase social sustainability and equality, wellbeing, physical activity and safety, as well as to reduce illness and sickness absence.
UN Global Compact
The aim of the UN Global Compact is to get companies to adhere to and assume active responsibility for ten internationally recognised principles in four areas: Human rights, Labour, Environment and Anti-corruption.
GHG Protocol
The GHG Protocol is a global standard for measurement, management and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions. The Protocol was developed by World Resources Institute (WRI) and World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD). According to the GHG Protocol emissions are divided into different scopes for reporting. This gives a clear picture of which emissions are direct (Scope 1) or indirect (Scope 2 and 3). Broadly, the scopes include the following: Scope 1: Burning of fossil fuels (petrol, oil and coal) for e.g. manufacturing in own plants or emissions from own or leased vehicles/ machines. Scope 2: Consumption of electricity, district heating and district cooling. Scope 3: Emissions from purchasing of goods and services, e.g. business travel, hotel stays, construction transports and materials usage.
Great Place to Work (GPTW)
Great Place to Work is an internationally recognised method for evaluation and development of workplace culture. In the survey employees themselves evaluate the business.
Green Building
Green Building began as an EU initiative in 2004 to speed up energy efficiency in the construction and real estate sector. To obtain Green Building certification of a building, energy consumption must be reduced and an energy management system must to be in place.
GRI stands for Global Reporting Initiative, which is an organisation that offers a framework for reporting a company’s results in respect of sustainability. GRI provides guidelines on the contents of a sustainability report and how various types of information should be reported.
IAS stands for International Accounting Standards, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is an international standard for the financial reporting of companies and organisations. IFRS is governed by the International Accounting Standards Board.
LEED is an American environmental certification system developed and administered by the non-profit U.S. Green Building Council. LEED can be used for various types of buildings in both the planning and operating stage, and also for existing buildings. LEED assesses a building’s environmental performance in the following areas: local
environment, water usage, energy usage, materials and indoor climate.
Net lettable area of non-residential premises, sq. m.
Local community
Refers to the stakeholder groups we meet in and through our business, the primary focus being on those in the immediate geographical area.
Miljöbyggnad is a certification system based on Swedish building and statutory regulations and Swedish construction practices. It is a relatively simple and cost-effective, yet purposeful, system for creating environmentally sustainable buildings. Miljöbyggnad comprises factors such as energy, indoor environment and materials. Buildings are awarded the ratings Bronze, Silver or Gold.
Prime rent
The highest rent per square metre for top-quality premises in the most desirable locations, excluding smaller premises.
Purple Flag
Purple Flag is a distinction, a quality certification, aimed at highlighting and increasing the visibility of cities which are successfully working to develop their night-time economy. The purple flag is a symbol of a safe city that offers a high standard of quality in the evenings and at night.
The Swedish Financial Reporting Board is a self-regulation body
under the jurisdiction of Föreningen för god sed på värdepappersmarknaden (Association for Good Practice in the Securities Market). RFR adapts and develops recommendations around generally accepted accounting principles and regular financial reporting for companies whose securities are traded in a regulated market.
Interest rate swap
An interest rate swap agreement is a derivative instrument that involves an exchange of cash flows between two parties. An interest rate swap is a swap contract where one party who is borrowing at a fixed interest rate may want to exchange a stream of future interest payments with another party who is borrowing at a variable interest rate.
WELL Building
WELL Building is the first building standard that focuses solely on human health and wellbeing. Certification is based on the following ten areas: air, light, water, sound, materials, nourishment, movement, thermal comfort and security and community.