Corporate governance in Platzer is based on Swedish legislation, primarily the Swedish Companies Act, the Swedish Code of Corporate Governance (“the Code”), NASDAQ Stockholm’s listing requirements as specified in the “Rules for Issuers” and the internal instructions and policy documents which the Company has drawn up and adopted.
The code applies to all Swedish companies whose shares are admitted to trading on a regulated market and aims to provide guidance on rules for good corporate governance. The Code supplements the existing legislation in a number of areas and imposes higher requirements. The Code works in accordance with the “comply or explain” principle. This principle makes it possible for a company to deviate from the Code and select other solutions. Such a situation may arise when a judgment is made that the selected solution provides a better response to the circumstances under which the company in question is operating. However, a deviation of this type must be transparent and the alternative solution and the reasons for it must both be described.
Financial reporting
The financial performance of the business is continuously monitored by the organisation. Monitoring is implemented partly through decentralised profit responsibility with clear guidelines and mandates and partly through control and monitoring activities in the finance function. In addition to continuous monitoring, the company follows up financial performance and internal forecasts on a quarterly basis according to a structured process. Reports are compiled for the operating units as well as for the Group as a whole.
We have a team in place to develop Platzer in the right direction.
Access information and decisions made by the board of directors.