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Share capital

At 31 December 2024, the share capital in Platzer was distributed among 20 million Class A-shares with 10 votes per share, and 99,934,292 Class B-shares carrying one (1) vote per share. Platzer owns 118,429 of its Class B-shares (118,429). Each share has a quotient value of SEK 0.10. The long-term net asset value, EPRA NRV, was SEK 122.57 (121.19) per share at the end of the period.

In connection with the listing in November 2013, the company carried out a new issue of shares priced at SEK 26.50 each, which raised SEK 651 million net of issue costs.

The most recent change in share capital took place in the fourth quarter of 2016, when Platzer carried out a rights issue of SEK 718 million.