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Dividend and Dividend policy

Dividend policy
Platzer's dividend policy means that the long-term dividend over time must amount to 50% of adjusted management profit after tax.

Adjusted management result means that the Group's consolidated management result is adjusted for the accounting effects share in profit from associated companies and with deduction for the part of the management result that constitutes the minority's share of consolidated companies' management result. Tax refers to current income tax as standard tax, currently 20.6%.

Proposed dividend
In its assessment of the dividend payout ratio, the Board of Directors has taken into consideration the Group’s and the Parent Company’s investment plans, need for consolidation and position in general, while also ensuring that the company retains the financial strength and freedom of action required for future development. The dividend due to be put to the Annual General Meeting for approval corresponds to 51% of income from property management after tax.

Dividend for 2024
The AGM decided to dispose of the standing funds at the disposal of the general meeting according to the proposal of the board and the managing director, to distribute SEK 2.00 per share to the shareholders, and that the remainder should be balanced in a new account. The meeting further decided in accordance with the board's proposal that the payment of dividends should take place on two occasions of SEK 1.00 each, whereby the record dates were decided to be 22 March, 2024 and 27 September, 2024, respectively.